
How To Prevent Seasonal Flu With Ayurveda

  • 29/May/2024
  • 29/May/2024
  • Holistic Hеalth

It's already flu season for a lot of people, so it's now too late to discuss how to stay healthy. You may not be able to fight off the flu as well when you have it because it may make you feel really tired and weak. But Ayurveda offers a few tried-and-true ways to help you feel better faster. Now let’s know How To Prevent Seasonal Flu With Ayurveda below:

  • Make a paste out of turmeric

Spice turmeric can help your immunity system. "There might not be a superior herb to boost your defenses and fend off the flu than this one," says John. "It has natural antiviral qualities as well as traits that improve energy, state of mind, as well as digestion." If you think you might have the flu, all you have to do is mix equal amounts of raw honey as well as turmeric powder. Every couple of hours, utilize a teaspoon of the mixture. To make the recipe stronger, mix 16 pieces of turmeric with 1 part black pepper and blend a paste out of it with raw honey. You'll have a pretty incredible cure.

  • Drink tulsi tea to get rid of fever and stuffy nose

One of the finest detoxifying Ayurvedic plants is tulsi. Whenever you have the flu or a cold, tulsi may ease headaches as well as fevers, clear up stuffy noses, and make digestion better. Mildly warming up tulsi is known to calm nerves, help healthy feelings, and make the mind more clear. It's also an excellent tea for when things are hard. Experts say that people who have the flu should drink a cup or two of tulsi every day, as well as the natural taste is best for beating a cold. Note: experts say to stay away from tulsi while pregnant or when you have trouble with acid reflux and hot flashes, which are both signs of a high pitta.

  • Drink ginger tea to get rid of toxins

While ginger tea assists your stomach, it also clears your lungs and eliminates the buildup of phlegm (Kapha dosha). Experts suggest drinking a cup of this strong, hot tea to clear up stuffy noses, ease bloating and gas, and improve blood flow. Because it has a strong kick, it's an excellent caffeine-free option for clearing your mind, making you more alert, and helping you concentrate when you have the flu. Experts say that you should soak three to five chunks of freshly harvested ginger in boiling water in order to produce your own homemade ginger tea. 

  • Take deep breaths and stretch

Some people find that gentle yoga helps when they are sick. Experts say that doing vigorous pranayama whenever you're sick can be too frustrating, but focused breathing can help clear up congestion, improve circulation, and restore your body's energy flow back to normal. Experts say that you should do a Three-Part Breath (dirgha pranayama) or a Complete Yogic Breath (one to three minutes) at least once a day. It may feel hard to breathe at first, but if you do this easy practice over and over again, it will help you purify, as well as lighten both your mind and your body when you need it most of all. Experts say that "light rolling within the floor stretching" can help clear up your chest, ease stiffness, and wake up the parasympathetic nervous system when you're ready.

  • Use some Ashwagandha

According to research, this adaptogenic plant can lower tension and make the immune system stronger. Experts say, "As a type of adaptogen, it can assist us to get back the resilience, energy, as well as strength required for combating the flu." "But it's not a drug." It is a nervine restorative plant that gives the body the energy it requires throughout the day as well as calms down overactive nerves so you can sleep well at night. Take 500 mg of the entire root after each meal to assist with fighting the flu. Remember that you should always talk to your physician before getting any vitamins.

  • Do an Ayurvedic self-massage daily

Every square centimeter of the skin can have a maximum of one billion microbes. It is the biggest organ in your entire body. On top of that, many things in the surroundings, like weather, anxiety, travel, clothing, as well as more, can make sensory neurons on the outer layer of the skin worse. When facing the flu, Douillard says, "Applying oil to your skin may soothe these neurons as well as the central nervous system as a result." Putting oil on your skin assists in keeping your microbiome healthy, and that in turn helps our immune system and the way the microbes on the skin, in our surroundings, in our gut, and all over our bodies work together.

  • Fill your mouth with warm salt water

This is an easy Ayurvedic trick that works well. Putting warm salt water in your mouth not only helps break up any stuck mucus in your throat, but it also gets rid of germs and bacteria. Experts say, "Mix a half scoop of good Himalayan salt or ocean salt with a half cup of tepid water." "Do this twice a day for a minimum of 30 seconds when you're sick and at least each day for the rest of the week after you're better." Note: experts say to rinse on a vacant stomach and to talk to your physician if you're currently on a low-sodium diet. Cleanse the cup every time you use it so that bacteria don't start to grow.

  • For better health, get more sunlight

Being in the sun is great for your defense system. Douillard says that people who don't get as much sun are three times more likely to get a runny nose as well as twice as likely to cough as people who receive a lot of sun. This is because vitamin D3 turns on proteins that help the defense system. You can make sure you get enough vitamin D3 by spending time outdoors or by taking 1,000 to 5,500 IU of vitamin D3 every day.


As now you know, How To Prevent Seasonal Flu With Ayurveda. Tea is helpful in preventing flue. There are many medicinal power of tea. One of Ayurveda's renowned rejuvenating recipes, Chyawanprash, can help your body's immune system work better by giving it the health-boosting nutrients it needs. It has more than 40 distinct herbs in it, and it also is full of vitamin C and antioxidants, which may assist you fight off influenza.

  • Ayurvеdic Lifеstylе
  • immunity