
Ayurvedic Treatment and Remedies for Hair Loss

  • 25/Jan/2024
  • 25/Jan/2024
  • Health and Wellness


Tired of using different shampoos and hair care products yet unable to see any positive results? You have reached the right destination to gain knowledge on how to take care of your hair using Ayurveda. Ayurveda can be considered as you philosophical buddy that dives deep into the roots to solve your problems. It initiates internal balance for overall health improvement of the body. In a society filled with chemicals and grim products, let us take a glance at the splendid benefits of Ayurvedic treatment and transformation of hair loss.

Causes of Hair Loss and Damage

The Ayurvedic belief is that our body is comprised of three kinds of natural forces – Pitta, Vata and Kapha. The five elements such as water, space, air, earth and fire characterise each of them. However, an imbalance in Vata dosha results in split ends, fuzzy, dry hair and hair fall. A rise in the Pitta level leads to hair fall due to your hair follicles being overheated. It may also play a role in premature greys, bald patches and hair thinning. Too much Kapha will have an outcome of oily and sticky hair making it heavy and hard to manage.

Key Ingredients of Ayurveda for Hair Transformation

Here are a few ayurvedic treatments to reduce hair-loss and initiate regrowth that you can use without the fear of side-effects -


Eclipta Alba is one of the best remedies that is herbal in nature for your hair opposing bacteria, allergies and inflammations is Bhringraj. It not only promotes hair growth but prevents your hair from falling and reduces greying addressing issues like dry hair and dandruff. Bringraj can be considered as a wonder for healthy hair and overall health. It improves blood circulation to the roots and aids in blood vessel widening.


Also known as Indian Gooseberry, is high in Vitamin C, its use give rise to anti-oxidants in the body, purifies blood, preventing premature greying resulting in hair being natural and vibrant with colour. It has anti-fungal and anti-viral properties that battle dandruff, enhances your scalp health, as well as preventing fungal infections. Furthermore, it is rich in iron and carotene which stimulates growth.


Shikakai is considered as a precious herb in Ayurveda, a fantastic remedy for hair fall. It possesses a Kashaya property making it suitable for dirt and excess oil removal from your scalp. It is also known for promoting hair growth and is a trusted solution in Ayurveda for reducing hair loss.


Coconut Oil is one of the most skilled ally’s for hair growth and care. It moisturizes and repairs the strands of your hair preventing dandruff. Moreover, it’s anti-bacterial properties are a huge advantage for the scalp and regular use as a hair mask stimulates hair growth, preventing breakages and improves moisture retention.

Bacopa Monneri or Brahmi

Bacopa Monneri may be a solution for promoting hair growth and treating temporary baldness in the areas of thinning. It effectively addresses inflammation and dandruff, providing a calm and soothing feeling on regular use. To harness its advantages, warm the oil a bit and apply it to your scalp with a gentle massage to improve blood circulation. Leave it for about half an hour then rinse using a mild shampoo for a revitalised experience.


Reetha being rich in iron promotes growth and prevents hair fall. It enhances hair follicles ensuring healthy hair development. It is a foaming agent that cleans oily secretions and acts like herbal cleanser and tonic as well as removal of lice. However, refrain from the use of self-medication always consult an expert or doctor as herbal usage must be performed under professional recommendation.

Methi Seeds

Methi seeds are more popularly known as Fenugreek. Methi Seeds are powerhouses of folic acid and essential vitamins, ideal for hair growth and hair loss reduction. They nourish your scalp and accelerate the development of healthy and strong hair strands.

Remedies for Hair Fall Prevention


Shirodhara means flow in the head and is considered as an extremely effective therapy in regards to hair loss. In this therapy, warm oils that are formulated with Ayurvedic natural herbs are run from the forehead to your scalp from a certain height above the head. Then these oils are lightly massaged by a therapist.

Shiro Lepa

Shiro Lepa is the use of Ayurvedic herbs that are in powder form and made into a paste. Followed by application to the scalp and covered using a banana leaf. Medicated oils that are Ayurvedic are poured above the scalp which is exposed and then covered with the leaf. This reduces frizzy hair and repairs split ends. It pacifies the Pitta dosha and balances your nervous system producing a soothing effect on various organs of the body.

Shiro Abhyanga

Shiro Abhyanga implies massaging shoulders, the upper back, head and neck using warm herbal oils such as sesame and coconut. This aids in avoiding the scalp from getting too hot further nourishing hair follicles and organs associated with senses. It helps in stress relief by relaxing the upper body and hair fall reduction.


Treatment and remedies for preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth using Ayurveda offers an effective answer if you are seeking a natural alternative to chemical treatments. From herbal oils to therapies, each has its own way of targeting hair ailments which results in healthy hair and overall well-being. Moreover, it lays emphasis on the significance of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. It is a combination of ancient wisdom and care which resonates with each individual.

  • Ayurvеda
  • Hair loss
  • Hair treatment
  • Hair growth
  • Avoid grey hairs