12 Natural Herbs for Managing Diabetes

  • 28/May/2024
  • 28/May/2024
  • Holistic Hеalth

Diabetes has become one of the major diseases these days. Ask any random person you come across and the answer will be that one of their family members should have this illness. It is obvious that these four reasons i.e. a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy dietary choices, genetic predisposition, imbalance insulin resistance, high BP, and obesity lead to the increased number of diabetes cases.

Why has it become so common?

The harsh mechanism is that your body alters any food you consume into sugar and delivers it into the bloodstream. This glucose to get into your cells necessitates the production of insulin which is a hormone from the pancreas. The dysfunction of the healthy process of this occurs leads to high levels of sugar or insulin in the blood which is known as diabetes. Below, check the 12 Natural Herbs for Managing Diabetes:

  • Ayurvedic Management for Diabetes

In our Ayurveda, the “Madhumeha” is blamed on the Kapha dosha that is aggravated and confirmed by Trishna (Excessive thirst), Mutrapravah (increased urination), Shoola (painful or upset stomach), Chardi (vomiting), sudden loss of weight, fatigue, and vision is fuzzy.

  • Ashwagandha

The consumption of ashwagandha is an effective practice to handle diabetes, specifically type 2. Suitable consumption of ashwagandha assists more in lowering blood sugar levels. It also aids in restoring the insulin sensitivity of muscle cells, making it possible to increase insulin release which works as a natural treatment for people with diabetes.

  • Turmeric

This herb has lots of important medical features it that imply it to be a good home remedy for diabetes. Curcumin, which is abundant in turmeric and has amazing anti-diabetic qualities, can help to lower blood sugar levels by a significant amount. Moreover, it helps to capture the bacteria that are inside the body and strengthen the ability to fight against the complication diseases of diabetes as well.

  • Aloe-vera

It is definitely one of the most potent Ayurvedic herbs for diabetes management. Besides the much more obvious promotion of skin health, it is amazingly effective in controlling high blood pressure. The antioxidant and antibacterial properties together with the active compounds exert a positive effect on the body's response to insulin. The aloe vera gel in turn can be applied to the foot ulcers (soreness) a diabetic patient may have.

We everyday use an herb called ginger in our meals. This herb really helps you - the endocrine. It possesses numerous anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which facilitate the disposal of oxidative stress and maintain blood sugar at healthy levels. The employment of ginger is also effective in cases of Madhumeha (diabetes) as it improves insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism which are all key for the proper management of the situation.

  • Giloy

One of the great herbs in Ayurveda, we call this herb “Madhunashini”, which basically means the destroyer of Sugar (Madhu). As giloy is close to nature and as a toxin detoxifier this reduces formation and accumulation of toxic ama inside the body. Its usage facilitates the body's production of insulin thereby in turn reducing elevated blood sugar.

  • Guggul

Guggul, also known as Commiphora wightii resin, is an Ayurvedic medicine that is used in the treatment by virtue of its many health-wise properties. It is being found that the consumption of guggul makes significant changes in lipids profile by decreasing LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, which are major components that define the condition of diabetes. It is also highly efficient in managing weight which is needed by patients with diabetes.

  • Neem

You might be aware of Neem as a part of Ayurvedic Herbs. Not only Ayurveda has curative properties but it is also used in Allopathic, Unani and Homoeopathy medicines for curing diabetes.

  • Tulsi

Holy basil might also be thought of as a natural treatment for diabetes. It contains numerous healthful antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic-like agents that promote great healing from within. The fact that basil's hypoglycemic property is well established to reduce blood sugar levels makes it an ideal medicine. Therefore, basil is a good medicine for those people suffering from diabetes.

  • Fenugreek

Fenugreek seeds, which are but the other name for the pancreas of diabetes patients, are. It is a type of methi dana in general. The kattu (piquant) nature of these microscopic seeds helps to prevent the blood sugar levels in the body from rising. In addition to the regulation of insulin, it lowers acne and digestive complications like bloating, nausea, and indigestion.

  • Gurmar

When we are citing the most useful Ayurvedic herbs for diabetes then Gurmar (Gudmar) cannot be bypassed. Gurmar churan is a great help to diabetes patients due to its antioxidants, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. In a way, it acts as an inducer of sweetness suppression that may decrease the sugar desire so diabetes treatment cannot be successful without this process.

  • Bitter Melon (Momordica Charantia)

Bitter melon is another name for bitter gourd. This special vegetable has been in the Asian diet for many years and is also used in traditional medicines. Among other healthy compounds, it aids in the regulation of blood sugar levels and in glucose metabolism. It suppresses the release of glucose from the intestine after a meal which results in more stable postprandial glucose levels.

  • Eugenia Jambolana (Java Plum)

Maybe some of you have close relatives who undergo this treatment, as it is common, especially for diabetes patients. The fact that this garden herb is deservedly appreciated is due to the numerous health benefits associated with it.

In India, it is commonly known as "Jaamun." The fruit is also used as a natural remedy for diabetes. Healthy consumption of Java plum enables carbohydrates to be. The glycemic index of Eugenia jambolana (Jaumun) is low continuously, causing diabetes problems like increased frequency of urination and thirst.


Did you look at the 12 Natural Herbs for Managing Diabetes? You can also try the best bhojan for body. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to state that the use of these herbs can lead to the prevention of diabetes (if properly taken). The results may be promising. While you are free to do so, it is not encouraged to stop taking the medication because you would replace it with these traditional medicines.


  • Ayurvеda
  • medicine
  • health