Varsha Ritucharya

As a resultant effect of aadaan kaal, jatharagni (digestive fire) is reduced. In this rutu, due to vataadi doshas, jatharagni is further decreased. As there is dosha prakop (increased vata i.e imbalance of tridosh)due to amla aahar paaka (end stage amla rasa produced after metabolism) as a result of evaporation of heat from the ground after intiation of rains and cold air that touches the ground after hot grishma rutu.


Along with that, impure water consumption during this rutu leads to further impairment of jatharagni. This scenario leads to imbalance and vitiation of tridoshas. Thus, in Varsha rutu, one should adapt balanced aahar vihar particularly aahar that ignites jatharagni.

One should prefer aasthapan basti (Enema of medicinal decoction) after vaman (Classical emesis) and virechan (Classical laxation) for sharir sanshodhan (internal cleansing of the body).

Aahar Vidhan (Diet Instructions)

One should consume old yava, godhum (wheat) etc easy to digest food. Sneha(oil),shunthi(Zinziber officinale) mixed mansrasa (meat soup), mans of jangal pradeshiya (dry place) animals, yush (liquid preparation) of Mung (green gram),etc pulses, old honey, old arishta (alcoholic preparation), Mastu (Dadhimanda / liquid part of churned yogurt) should be consumed after adding panchakol (5 contents together pimpli,pimplimool,chavya,chitrak, sunthi,) churna (powder) or sourvachal lavan (type of salt). Antariksha jal (Rain water), Well water or boiled water should be used for drinking. Whenever its raining heavily, one should have amla(sour),lavan (salty) rasayukta snigdha (oily) and shushka (dry)madhu (honey) yukta laghu (light) diet.

Vihar vidhan (Instruction regarding physical activities / Lifestyle adaption)

One should be apaadchaari (do not go walking) or if one has to travel should ride over elephants. (i.e. Use vehicles).Fragrant aguru (Aquilaria agallocha Roxb.) lepan and dhupan (fumigation) should be done. One should stay at upper floors of house where heat steams coming from ground, sheet (cold), Shikar (rain sprinkles) are unreachable.

Apathya (Dont’s)

One should avoid river water, mantha (sattu), diwaswap (daytime sleep), aayas (physical exertion) and aatap (sunlight).

Varsha Rutu

Varsha Rutu (Shravan- bhadrapad)

Rasa Guna Aahar Vihaar Apathya
Amla- lavan Snigdha Old shalichawal, Wheat, Yava,krutayusha, Arishta,Pakwa Aakash jal, Klednashak,Vatanashak,Madhu Mishrit aahar. Vaman, virechan, Bastikarma, Stay at rodent free space, Pragharshan, Udgharshan, Udwartan, snan,dhumpaan, Aguru lepa River water,Diwaswap, Excessive sex, Shower, Adhwa, Vyayam, To get exposed to sunlight.