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(Massage with dry powder)

After vyayam, kaphahar(drugs eliminating kapha) dravyas should be used for udwartan.Udwartan burns down fats, stabilises all the body parts, and brightens up skin.

Due to udwartan, the pores of blood vessels situated in skin opens up wide and brightens the bhrajak pitta(one of the type of pitta responsible for skin texture)


Udwartan specially beautifies female skin .

It brings about cleanliness, lightness, joy to the body.

  • It helps to tone and exfoliate skin.
  • Removes dead cells and toxins from the skin. Thus, makes skin radiant and glowing.
  • Pratamak shwas (Type of dyspnoea)
  • Shram (Exertion)
  • Klam (mental exhaustion)
  • Kasa (cough)
  • Jwar (fever)
  • Chardi (vomiting)
There are 2 types of udwartan –
  1. Snigdha udwartan
    - beneficial when joint tenderness and redness.
  2. Ruksha udwartan
    - beneficial when there is stiffness and heaviness of body.