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(Holding of fluids in mouth)

Gandush literally means filling of mouth with water etc fluids to the extent that there is no room for the movement of fluids in it. One should sit calmly in nivaat (devoid of excess air) sthan in mild sunlight. After gently massaging shoulders and neck, one should proceed for gandush dharan. Mouth should be uplifted a bit in order to avoid entry of fluids into the throat.


Gandush should be held till oral cavity is full of Kapha, Nose and eyes starts watering.

After that Forehead, neck, cheeks should be gently massaged.

Gandush dharan should be repeated for 3,5 or 7 times.

There are 4 types of Gandush-
  • 1. Snaihik gandush - In this medicated oil of Madhur (sweet), amla (sour), lavan(salty) rasa(taste) herbs are used for gandush dharan. Also milk, water, mansrasa (meat boiled water) are used mainly for vatajanya roga.
  • 2. Shaman gandush In this decoction of Tikta (bitter), kashay (astringent), Madhur(sweet) rasa(taste) herbs, sugar water, Madhu (honey), milk, sugarcane juice, ghrit (ghee) are used to pacify pittajanya roga.
  • 3. Shodhan gandush In this decoction of katu(spicy), amla (sour), lavan (salty) rasa(taste) herbs, Vinegar, alcohol, Gomutra (cow urine) are used to pacify kaphajanya roga.
  • 4. Ropan gandush In this decoction of Tikta (bitter), kashay (astringent) rasa (taste)herbs are used for Vranaropan. (healing of wounds in oral cavity)
Luke warm water is advised for lightness of oral cavity that can be used for a Swastha (healthy)person. As per requirement, any of the above explained types of gandush can be used by the diseased. Charakacharya explains advantages of snaihik gandush as follows-
  1. It strengthens mandible.
  2. Pitch of voice is increased.
  3. Improves Muscle growth.
  4. Cleanses tongue that increases perception of taste and urge for food intake.
  5. Prevents drying of mouth, throat and lips.
  6. Strengthens teeth and eliminates dantaharsh (tooth sensitivity)

Thus, Gandush dharan is useful for overall maintenance of oral hygiene.
