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One should daily use sauveeranjan for good eyesight as beneficial eye care. Eyes becomes beautiful and eyesight improves such that even minute particles can be seen effortlessly by daily application of anjan.

The colour of shuklamandal (conjunctiva), Krushnamandal (Cornea), Drushtamandal (pupil) becomes clear. Eyes are cleaned, eyelashes grow smooth and thick.


The one originating from Sindhu Pradesh is called Strotanjan. It is said to be the best one that eliminates burning, itching, pain of eyes and cleanses eyes. It eradicates stickiness of eyes. Strotanjan increases the ability of eyes to resist sunlight and air, improves eyesight and prevent from all eye diseases.

Sauveeranjan (Antimony oxide) is another type of anjan that should be used on 5th or 8th day to excrete the dirt through watering of eyes.

Eyes are agni(Fire) mahabhut, it should be prevented from excess Kapha.(stickiness) Thus, for the removal of excess kapha Rasanjan is used once in a week. Bhavmishra explains that solid extraction obtained by heating decoction of Daruharidra (Berberis aristata) is Rasanjan.
