protect of a healthy health

Revitalize Your Life with Ayurveda's Healing Touch

Abhyang (Massage)

One should daily do abhyanga as it eliminates Jara (old age), shram (Exertion), and vataj roga. It improves eyesight, increases weight and lifespan, induces sleep, maintains glowing skin and strengthens body.

Abhyang should be done specifically over Shir (Head), Karna (Ears) and bilateral soles daily. abhyang-second

Vata pacifying, fragrant, as per Rutu (season. i.e. hot oil in cold season and cold oil in hot season) oil should be used for abhyanga.

Abhyang pacifies the pain caused due to bone fracture, burns, or any weapon injuries.

As Cart wheels drives off smoothly due to oiling, similarly if skin is oiled it becomes smooth and strong. As Mud pot becomes strong, smooth and shiny when oil is applied over it, similarly if oil is applied over skin, all the joint movements of body are carried out smoothly, body becomes healthy and glowing. Skin is sensory receptor for touch (Sparshanendriya) as it carries vayu (air) in it. As skin contains sensory nerve endings, Abhyang is vata pacifying and is beneficial in all skin diseases.

Abhyang over scalp daily is beneficial for hairs and nourishes temporal bones and sensory organs. Filling oil in ears eliminates hanustambh (lock jaw), Manyastambh (torticollis), shirashool (Headache), karnashool (earache).

Abhyang over soles leads strength to the legs, good sleep, improves eyesight. It eliminates padasupti (Numbness over foot) ,shram (exertion), stambh (stiffness), sankoch (spasm),sfutan (foot cracks).

Contraindication of abhyanga –
  1. Kaphadosh pidit (kaphaj diseases)
  2. After vaman ,virechan
  3. Ajeerna (Indigestion)