Shukra Vegaavarodh leads to the following diseases

  • Shukrastraav (Semen discharge)
  • Guhya vedana (Pain at penis, testis)
  • Shotha (Oedema)
  • Jwar (Fever)
  • Hruday pida (Cardiac pain)
  • Mutrasanga (Urine retention)
  • Angabhang (Malaise)
  • Vruddhi ( Inguinosacral swelling)
  • Ashma (Renal stone)
  • Shandhata (Impotency)

Management of above diseases can be done by the following

  • Kukkut mans (Cock meat)
  • Sura paan (Alcoholic preparation)
  • Shalichawal (Best type of rice)
  • Basti (Enema)
  • Abhyang (Massage)
  • Avagaahan (Tub bath)
  • Staying with lovable women.