Purish vega dharan leads to the following diseases

  • Cramps in the calf muscles.
  • Pratishyay (Catarrh)
  • Shiroruja (Headache)
  • Urdwa pravrutti (upward movement) of Vata.
  • Parikartan (Cutting pain in abdomen)
  • Hruday uparodh (Irregular rhythm of heart)
  • Purish pravrutti from Mukhamarg (Defaecation from mouth)
  • Diseases mentioned in adhovata vega dharan.
purish vega

Line of treatment for management of above diseases are

  • Varti (Suppositories)
  • Abhyang (Massage)
  • Avagahan (Tub bath)
  • Swedan (Fomentation)
  • Basti (Enema)
  • Malabhedak annapaan (Laxative)