Healthy Life
Dharniya Vega
Cure Diseases
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Adhovata vegaavarodh (vega obstruction) leads to the following diseases
Gulma (Abdominal tumour due to gaseous distension of intestinal coil)
Udavarta (Group of diseases caused by retention of various urges)
Ruk (Abdominal pain)
Klam (Exhaustion)
Mutra, purish sanga (Retention of urine, faeces)
Drushtivadha (Loss of eye-sight)
Agnivadha (Loss of appetite)
Hrudrog (Heart diseases)
Line of treatment for management of above diseases are
Snehan (Oleation)
Swedan (Fomentation)
Phalavarti (Suppositories)
Vata pacifying meal.
Ushnodak (Drinking luke warm water)
Basti (Enema)
Udgaar vegaavarodh leads to the following diseases
Aruchi (Anorexia)
Kampa (Tremors)
Tightness in heart and chest
Aadhmaan (Flatulence)
Kasa (Cough)
Hikka (Hiccups)
Treatment of above diseases should be done similar to the treatment of Hikka.