Adhovata vegaavarodh (vega obstruction) leads to the following diseases

  • Gulma (Abdominal tumour due to gaseous distension of intestinal coil)
  • Udavarta (Group of diseases caused by retention of various urges)
  • Ruk (Abdominal pain)
  • Klam (Exhaustion)
  • Mutra, purish sanga (Retention of urine, faeces)
  • Drushtivadha (Loss of eye-sight)
  • Agnivadha (Loss of appetite)
  • Hrudrog (Heart diseases)
adhovata vegaavarodh

Line of treatment for management of above diseases are

  • Snehan (Oleation)
  • Swedan (Fomentation)
  • Phalavarti (Suppositories)
  • Vata pacifying meal.
  • Ushnodak (Drinking luke warm water)
  • Basti (Enema)

Udgaar vegaavarodh leads to the following diseases

  • Aruchi (Anorexia)
  • Kampa (Tremors)
  • Tightness in heart and chest
  • Aadhmaan (Flatulence)
  • Kasa (Cough)
  • Hikka (Hiccups)

Treatment of above diseases should be done similar to the treatment of Hikka.